• 2011 Quebec Avenue Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7K 1W5

ISNet World

Saskatoon Boiler is an ISNetworld accredited Vendor.



Saskatoon Boiler’s Provincial Quality Control Program allows for construction, repair and alteration, both in the shop and in the field of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section I Power Boilers and Boiler External Piping, ASME Section IV Heating Boilers, ASME Section VIII Division 1 PressureVessels, ASME B31.1 Power Piping, ASME B31.3 Process Piping and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) B51 fittings.

For new construction, Saskatoon Boiler is authorized by ASME to apply the ASME Certification Mark to ASME “S” designated Power Boilers, “H” designated Heating Boilers and “U” designated Pressure Vessels. We are also authorized by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBIC) to apply the “NB” mark and registration number to ASME Code certification marked items, as well as “R” stamp authorization for inservice repairs and alterations of National Board registered items.

The Interprovincial Quality Control Program approval allows Saskatoon Boiler to perform inservice repairs on ASME Section I Power Boilers and Boiler External Piping, ASME Section IV Heating Boilers and ASME Section VII Division 1 Pressure Vessels.Saskatoon Boiler designs are also registered in at least one Canadian province,which signifies the design has been surveyed and passes compliance with all Canadian and North American codes, and a Canadian registration number is applied to that design. This makes Saskatoon Boilers very acceptable in many offshore jurisdictions.

Interprovincial Registration

The interprovincial provincial quality control program approval, allows Saskatoon Boiler to perform repairs on ASME Section I Power Boilers and Boiler External Piping, ASME Section IV Heating Boilers and ASME Section VIII, Division 1 Pressure Vessels.